Physiotherapy Side Effects

While physiotherapy is generally incredibly effective, there are possible side effects to be aware of.

Often these are completely normal and part of the treatment process – as such, there is no cause for alarm.

Some patients might have a particular medical condition or health history that can predispose them to certain side effects.

That’s why we perform a detailed subjective assessment ahead of time, to adjust any treatments accordingly.

Furthermore, I always inform my patients of potential reactions ahead of time so they can prepare.

Physiotherapy Side Effects

Some of the potential side effects of physiotherapy include:

  1. Soreness or muscle fatigue: Physiotherapy exercises or stretches may cause temporary soreness or muscle fatigue, especially if the individual is not used to physical activity or if the exercises are done incorrectly. However, these side effects should resolve on their own with rest and proper hydration.
  2. Bruising or swelling: Hands-on therapies such as massage or joint mobilisation may cause temporary bruising or swelling, especially if the therapist applies too much pressure or if the individual has a bleeding disorder. These side effects should resolve on their own with time between treatment sessions.
  3. Allergic reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to certain products used during physiotherapy, such as creams, oils, or bandages. Allergic reactions may manifest as skin irritation or redness and can usually be managed with the use of alternative products or medications.
  4. Increased pain: In some cases, physiotherapy may initially cause an increase in pain, especially if the individual has a severe injury or condition. However, this increase in pain is typically temporary and should resolve as the individual continues with physiotherapy. If the pain persists or becomes severe, it is important to inform the physiotherapist.
  5. Adverse reactions to medications: Some medications taken by individuals undergoing physiotherapy, such as anti-inflammatory drugs or muscle relaxants, may cause side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, or dizziness. It is important to inform the physiotherapist of any medications being taken and to report any side effects.

Please note – it is important to inform the physiotherapist of any concerns or side effects and to follow their recommendations for treatment and self-care.

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